Wednesday 19 December 2012

Symbols and actions

This week we were given actions we had to convert into symbols that represented that action as simply as possible. My action was 'combing your hair' so I started looking at how the hair changes from combing it, and what the actual action of running a comb through your hair would look like.
These are the final 80 I designed. I decided to do them in sequences of four to represent the actions and change the hair undertakes more accurately.

The beginning

I start the foundation course at Leeds College of Art this week. I'm pretty excited to move on from my A levels and see what different styles of work I can produce, but I'm nervous about going somewhere I don't know anyone!
Being at the same school for 7 years means I'm more than ready for a change! But I'm not looking forward to staying in Leeds while all my friends go off to uni.
I will try to regularly post my work on this blog so I can assess my outcomes. Hope whoever sees this enjoys it!

Making grids

Another project from my foundation course, the idea was to merge four different corners of a grid to create a flowing pattern. This is about halfway through, I am quite pleased with it so far but wish I'd used an easier material to cut. Felt is mean.


I did this sketch for one of my best friends who's going to uni next week, she asked if I could do her something she could take and this is what I produced!
I really enjoyed trying to get all the details right on our faces and overall am really pleased with the picture as you can tell it's us.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Final exam piece

This is the outcome of all my prep work. I think the 3 pictures worked well together, and am pleased with the final result because of the colours. I don't feel as though they are as detailed as my prep work which I was diappointed with, but given the time limit I am happy with the result.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Michael Roberts copies

I was captivated by the work of Michael Roberts because of the way the close up face makes the viewer feel uncomfortable. The square canvas makes the face looked confined because it contrasts the usual roundness of a face. My copy (left) is done in oil pastel, and was just a quick study to try and convey as similar feeling of unease.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Exam prep

This is a painting I did on board to practise doing 3 figures together before my exam.